Wednesday, December 16, 2009

And baby will make 4!

I was so excited to meet this family.  They had seen my work at the Vitality Centre and asked for my information.  They had thought out some ideas that they were eager to try out and I am game for trying out different ideas!  They had picked up a few props of their own and their first son made a wonderful element all by himself but he really added something special to the maternity photographs.  I love when there is a younger sibling eager to meet their new brother or sister. 

He was trying to hear his little brother... shhh...
Look at this wonderful face!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Little Miss L and Mr L

Well talk about two little jellybeans with energy, life and tons of smiles for everyone!  Miss. L and Mr. L were a joy to play with and photograph with those huge brown eyes.  They had a great time at their first photoshoot and they were stars.  I can't wait to be able to show them all of the images!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Well, Baby A arrived and I got to meet her on her 6th day here on dry land. We asked her to do lots of posing for us and she was fantastic. Once a baby gets older than a week you can really see the difference in their strength and they may really fight falling back asleep. I can't wait to see her again at 6 months when she is all bright eyed and sitting up. We are going to have so much fun again!

Thanks A&C for letting me play with her. Thanks Anita for helping me out too. I enjoyed working with you again!


Saturday, November 21, 2009

Hitherfield Bazaar Winner of a Session and Print!

Well I have to say that I had a great time today at the Hitherfield Christmas Bazaar. Some really creative vendors and I picked up some handmade soap from Tina at It smells amazing and I can't wait to use it! Christine was there from Creative Memories with all of her fantastic ideas to help people put their memories into wonderful albums.

While I was not selling anything, I was able to show off some of the images of my fantastic clients. I also had a draw for a free session and a free 8x10. It was great to see so much interest and I really enjoyed chatting with everyone. Thank you to everyone that stopped by.

At 3:50 pm my daughter shuffled up the ballots and we gave them a really good mix up before closing her eyes and picking out the winner.

Sarah Goncz of Milton is the lucky winner!

Thank you to everyone that took the time to fill out a ballot.

Have a fantastic weekend!


Tuesday, November 17, 2009

RK Gets Ready for Christmas.

I am running behind on my posts but this has just been a crazy busy month and I need to still go downstairs and make lunch for the kids for tomorrow. I just could not help myself and I had to post a few images from my session today with RH. What a fantastic little guy. Full of fantastic smiles. He is 5 months old.


Friday, November 6, 2009

Noah turns One!

I have had the pleasure of photographing Noah once before he was born, again just afterward and recently on his first birthday. This little bundle of joy was a delight to work with. He was busy cooking up a bbq for us and playing fireman. I can see him making it into the Firefighter Jr. calendar with those eyes. Happy Birthday Noah!